I'm giving you breaks in between blogs cause I figured you wouldn't want to hear my day to day activities especially since some of them are pretty boring. The last couple of days accumulated make the perfect amount of information for you all =]. I want to however, start with a little story that took place in Matt and Laura's kitchen after Matt had cooked us an amazing Pasta dinner and we were eating Tiramisu that was to die for. Legitimately the best I've had and that's coming from someone who detests mocha flavored desserts (minus coffee ice cream). So i'll give you some background, my benefactors were writing down words and places for me to pronounce in "American" and one of those was "Grosvenor" (I'll send you a postcard if you correctly guess how to say that!). Grosvenor is the street name where the American Embassy is located here in London and Matt was giving me some information.
"If any of your stuff gets stolen then you go to the embassy on Grosvenor street in a taxi and they'll reverse the charges and help you"
"They'll reverse the charges!?"
"You could be chased by people or running away from the cops and they would help you"
"You just flash your passport and a soldier with a gun would stop them. The cops could argue but all they'll say is 'Sorry this is American property and you'll need to step back' and the cops can't do anything"
"You just show them your passport?"
"Yes just show them your passport and they'll say "Welcome Home" and let you in".
It was all a lot more touching when Matt was saying it but it really made you feel good to be an American. We really take care of our own and even when you're in a whole different country it's nice to know that you always have that safety net. I even passed the embassy on my way to Hyde Park today and sure enough there were our soldiers with their giant guns (meanwhile British police can't even carry one so whenever there's a crisis at least 12 of them show up). Not that I'm a gun supporter or anything lol. Which brings me to the events of this week.

Anyway seeing as how this is getting a bit long I think I'll end it here and leave you guys wanting more hehe. Hope all is good in the states and rest assured that little Sammy is having a good ol' time in London.
Love from London,
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